Remember the movie "Patch Adams" ...?

It was almost 20 years ago that I saw the movie "Patch Adams." If you remember, it was the story of a goofy, clown-like doctor who wanted to make a difference in the world. Adams was played by Robin Williams...

Recently, I was reading about him and his relationship with his father...

Adams's father fought in WW2 and in Korea and, unfortunately, died when Patch was only 16 years old. 

For half of Adams's 16 years, his father was away engaged in wars. Sadly, Adams wrote that before his dad died, he "died in his heart and soul to me..."

The combat his dad was in took a toll on him, and he suffered terribly. Patch remembers his dad often weeping when asked about his wartime experiences. 

On another note of sadness, Patch Adams did not think his dad loved him as he grew up. And when his dad passed away, the world of Patch Adams crumbled. He and his father had just begun to talk. His dad had even apologized for not playing with him as a child.

Patch Adams had difficulty finding himself after his dad's death. He even wound up in a hospital at one point, and he hoped he would die. Filled with anger and hate, he often participated in protests and sit-ins. 

Fortunately, Patch finally got it together and committed to his life to promoting peace and justice, caring deeply for others (as the movie portrays). He readily confesses that his dad's experiences taught him a lot. What his dad gave him stimulated him to work for the good of others.

But here's what really got me as I read about Patch Adams...

He writes that he would have traded all the life-lessons for the privilege of simply having a dad who was ...PRESENT: "...I would have traded all these lessons his life gave me for a regular dad, present, playful, and tender."

I often hear men who are fathers express the desire to know God's will for their life. They want to know what their life-calling is, what career should they choose, and so forth.

But it puzzles me that a father would entertain such a question... 

If you're a FATHER, God's will for you should be as plain as the nose on your face: 
- BE with your children...
- PLAY with them ...
- GO to the park...
- TAKE them to the Dairy Queen
- ENJOY a Happy Meal with them. 

Very seldom should you entertain the question of "What is God's Will for my life?"

God's "will" is standing there in front of you.

Many years ago I read a book called "The Blessing." According to the authors, a study at UCLA revealed that children need "8 to 15 meaningful touches every day." So, there, you have it. You now know God's will, dad, for your life. As AT&T used to say, "Reach out and touch someone." 

Start with your children.

You may complain, "Jimmy, I'm just not that way. I am not a touchy-feely kind of guy. Saying 'I love you' and being affectionate is not my love language. I am who I am."

Well, only God can say "I am Who I am." As for you, it is time to break the curse of your lack of affection, and with total disregard for your possible negative upbringing, which may have not included an affectionate, loving dad - repent and change your ways - and become the "world's greatest lover."

Don't allow your children to someday stare at your lifeless body, lying cold in a casket, grieving that you showed such little love, and spent such little time at the Dairy Queen.

RIGHT: What kind of FATHER is God… listen to Jimmy share his message “The Heart of God.”

  • Our Florida Church Safety Seminar Tour begins TOMORROW (Monday, January 28) Click here for info

  • Our Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Sheepdog Seminar is filling up quicker than usual. Frank Pomeroy, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, where 26 worshipers were killed in 2017, will be with us. Don’t miss hearing this precious brother and his wife! Click here

  • Bangor, Maine Sheepdog Seminar - March 29, 20