One night my Sergeant let me go home early. And here’s why...

It was a Sunday night midnight shift, which, for some reason, I always enjoyed working. At roll call Sergeant Johnson said he was going to let someone go home early tonight.

“Whoever finds the most open doors by 0300, you can go home 30 minutes early,” he told his shift. 

“Cool,” I replied. I then informed the rest of the shift that I would be the one to win the prize. 

What was the basis of my confidence? I knew which buildings in the city would not lock their doors.

You guessed it. The churches. 

I knew the churches had problems with leaving the doors unlocked on Sunday night. By 0300 I had found 8 open doors on churches around the city. And yes, I got to go home early. 

Who’s responsible for making sure that all the doors on your church are locked after services on Sunday?