“our places of worship and their congregations are especially vulnerable to be targeted by these horrific acts.” (homeland security)

DECEMBER 2023 - FBI issues warning to churches


Introducing Sheepdog Weekend

Sheepdog Weekend features Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Jimmy Meeks (and others). IT’S AN OUTREACH TO …

  • Women in your community,

  • Church Safety Teams

  • Your entire community. (You’re gonna’ love it!)

  • You can also host a “First Responder” Service on Sunday morning. Watch the video below to hear the message we bring to the officers.


Jimmy Meeks (left) and Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman (retired).


We firmly believe that your church should not resemble a fortress, but rather a place where individuals can worship and fellowship freely, all within a secure environment.

We wholeheartedly agree with the words of Jesus: “Whosoever will, let him come…”

We recognize your eagerness to engage with your community. Nevertheless, instilling an atmosphere of fear may deter individuals from attending your place of worship. We are fully cognizant of this fact.

It is our belief that a secure environment can be established—one that doesn't unsettle attendees but rather fosters a sense of safety for all gathered.

The thousands of individuals who have participated in our seminars (over 500 seminars across 40 states) can attest that our seminar content achieves exactly that. If we can help you, email us, or call 817.437.9693



  • Idaho man who pledged support to ISIS arrested for threatening to attack churches - READ STORY

  • Pastor stabbed to death by homeless man who was allowed to live temporarily at church - READ STORY

  • Man points a gun at a church pastor before getting tackled. Then the suspect’s relative is found dead in the gunman’s home - READ STORY

  • Louisiana church members confront teen who entered church with a gun during children’s Mass - READ STORY


What does it take to host one of our seminars?


If you attend a Sheepdog Seminar, here’s what you can expect.

The greatest safety tip for churches in the history of safety tips.

We have a special section for Police Officers - designed to bring encouragement.


VIDEO BELOW: Jimmy Meeks on CBN 700 Club News


SHEEPDOG CHURCH SECURITY is led by retired police officer Kris Moloney. They have helped thousands of churches across the United States, and are one of the most sought-after organizations when it comes to learning how to protect your flock. These guys love Jesus - and His sheep!